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We use WordPress for our websites as it is a safe and secure, SEO friendly and allows our clients to manage and edit their own content if they wish. WordPress is also fully responsive so your website will look great across all platforms, desktop, tablet and mobile phone.
We are happy to work on small websites of just a few simple pages to larger more complex sites.
Below are just a few examples. There are more on our Portfolio page too.
The job

A website for a new company hiring bikes and organising events at the 2012 Olympic cycling park.

Our approach

We had already created the logo for this new company so had the branding and colours in mind. The client then supplied some sketches to give an idea of the content for each page.

For a more unique feel we came up with the wheel menu buttons.

The job

A website for a specialist wall finishes company.

Our approach
The company had many different finishes to showcase and  hundreds of photos they wanted to display, therefore a lot of thought was required to organise the website in a logical manner and create an easily navigable menu structure.
The job

A website for a Surveying practice.

Our approach

A fairly simple website as an online ‘business card’ and to show potential  new clients.

The job

This is our new website. The old one was getting dated and needed a revamp. Of course we created the nice new logo too.

Our approach

Having created the logo we now had the branding and colours to base the website around. We wanted a clean and simple site, easy to navigate and without an overwhelming amount of contents and words. Just enough to show what we can do and encourage potential clients to get in touch.

The job

A fairly simple website for a small plumbing company.

Our approach
We created the logo first so had the branding and colours to base the website on.
Library images were sourced for the sliding header with their branding added on top.

If you’d like to discuss your project

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